Sisler Hall 329B
Assistant Professor
University of Florida
NatureNet Postdoc Fellow
University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D., Chemistry
Carnegie Mellon University
B.S., Chemistry
Nankai University
- 2023: Nanoscale, Emerging Investigator
- 2019: IUPAC 100 Periodic Table of Younger Chemists (element 21)
- 2017: IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists
- 2017: 1st Place Poster Prize at 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
- 2015: Materials Research Society Gold Graduate Student Award
- 2015: International Precious Metals Institute Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Chenjie Zeng was born and grew up in Fujian, a southeast province in China (like Florida in the US). She received her B.S. degree from Nankai University (Tianjin, China), where she worked on titanium dioxide nanotubes and silver nanoprisms and developed interests in nanochemistry and nanomaterials. Chenjie later joined the group of Prof. Rongchao Jin at Carnegie Mellon University, and started her exploration on atomically precise gold nanoclusters, an “emerging land” in the field of nanoscience. After receiving her Ph.D. degree in 2016, she joined the labs of Prof. Christopher B. Murray and Prof. Cherie R. Kagan at the University of Pennsylvania as NatureNet Science Postdoctoral Fellow. There, she focused on developing semiconductor nanocrystals for printable solar cells. Chenjie joined the University of Florida in 2019 as an assistant professor. Research in Zeng group centers around precision nanochemistry and nanomaterial, with emphases on developing synthetic methods for atomically precise nanomaterials, understanding the structure and property correlations of nanomaterials at the atomic level, as well as assembling the nanoparticle building-blocks into thin films and bulk solids for better energy conversions and exotic physical properties.
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